Let's Talk About Race


Location: Geddes Hall Coffeehouse

Please join us for "Let's Talk About Race: Race and Faith Edition." Broadly, the goal of "Let's Talk About Race" is to cultivate spaces where members of the Notre Dame community can be authentic and vulnerable in their exploration of how their racial identities intersect with countless other aspects of their lives before, during, and after Notre Dame. How are your racial identity and your faith tradition(s) in dialogue with each other in your daily life? What assumptions might people make about your faith tradition(s) based on your race, or vice versa? How, if at all, have your experiences with faith, spirituality, and religion informed your perspectives toward local, national, and global race relations? In what ways might you leverage your faith to promote racial justice, solidarity, and reconciliation? These are just a few of the challenging-yet-crucial questions that will be raised during the third "Let's Talk About Race" of the year!